Job Description:
Salary Range87,692.80 - 106,454.40
Job DescriptionThe Superior Court of California, County of Alameda is accepting applications for the position of
Investigator assigned to the Probate Unitat the Berkeley Courthouse.
Under direction, to conduct prob a te investi g atio n s of conser v atorships and guardianships; to write reports for the Probate Court based on findings; to provide recom m e ndations t o Judicial Officer; and to perform other related duties as as s igned.
The current vacancy is assigned to the Probate Court located at the Berkeley Courthouse in Berkeley, CA. However employees may be assigned to work at any court location. Example of DutiesNOTE: The following are duties performed by employees in this classification; however, employees may perform other related duties at an equivalent level. Each individual in the classification does not necessarily perform all listed duties.
1. Conducts interviews, in a variety of settings, of conservators, conservatees (who are primarily elderly or developmentally disabled), and other persons necessary to obtain relevant case information; advises people of legal rights; reviews medical records, petitions, accountings, and reports; recommends appointment of legal counsel.
2. Conducts interviews of proposed guardians, wards and others residing in the home; reviews petitions; confers with attorneys, doctors, teachers, counselors and other parties; checks references; requests and reviews the Department of Children and Family Services screenings and checks criminal records.
3. Writes reports for court hearings based on interviews and investigations; makes determinations and provides recommendations to the Court as appropriate in conservatorship and guardianship proceedings based on case assessment; attends court hearings; briefs Judicial Officers about particular cases; and follows up on Judicial Officers’ orders.
4. Conducts special investigations requested by the court; reviews complaints, mediates disputes between contesting parties in special cases as requested by the court.
5. Performs other related duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications Educatio n :
Possession of a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree in a science, social science, behavioral science, liberal ar t s or n u rsing from an accre d ited e ducatio n al instit u tion.
The equivalent to two years of f ull-ti m e professional level experience perfo r m ing case or investigative analy s is in a leg a l/ju d i c i al, s o ci a l s e rvices, o r medical environ m ent.
Spanish/English bilingual skills are preferred, but not required.
Knowledge of California Probate C ode, other C alifornia codes pertaining to prob a te m atters; court procedures; legal and m edical ter m i nology and docu m e nts; interviewing techniques; proble m s of the elderly, develop m entally disabled, and brain d a m aged; children ' s needs and special interests; cross-cultural issues; general accounting pr o cedures.
Ability to interview a variety of individuals including the elderly, dev e l o p m entally d isabled, children, and others in ho m es, ho s pitals, institutions, and ot h er locations; understand, interpret and apply pertinent provisions of the Probate Code, Civil Code, and other California C odes, Judicial Council and Superior Court rules and procedures; understand complex iss u es; int e rpr e t infor m ation from various sources, analyze proble m s and docu m en t s, and m ake appropriate recom m endation s ; write co m preh e nsive, factually accurate reports; plan and organize work to m eet deadlines.
This position includes a one-year probationary period. Employment is contingent upon successful completion of fingerprint check and the provision of appropriately identifying documents to certify eligibility to work in the United States.
Hiring Process The hiring process will include the following components:
- An initial screening of all application materials receivedincluding a completed application and supplemental questionnaire. A resume does not substitute for completing the application. An incomplete or partial application or supplemental questionnaire will result in disqualification.
- A review of the completed application and supplemental questionnaire to select the best-qualified candidates for the oral panel interview process.
- An oral interview that will be weighted as 100% of the candidate's final score. The oral interview may contain situational exercises.
The Court reserves the right to change the components of the examination process and may limit the number of candidates invited to the oral interview process to include only the best-qualified candidates should there be a large applicant pool.
The application and supplemental questionnaire are used to evaluate the candidate's qualifications. If you are interested in the opportunity, it is recommended that you submit your application and supplemental questionnaire as soon as possible since this recruitment may be closed at any time should the Court receive a sufficient number of qualified applicants.
If you require accommodation in the examination process because of disability, please call (510) 891-6021 to discuss.
Job Posting End Date January 9, 2025
87,692.80 - 106,454.40